Saturday, October 31, 2009

Utah Photo Album

Ok, so not exactly Central America but I've finally gotten around to uploading some photos from a road trip to Utah back in April of 2009.  I'd edited the photos and created an album but for some reason never got around to uploading them to share.  Pretty much all over Utah including Zion Canyon National Park, Bryce Canyon, Monument Valley, Valley of the Gods, Escalante, etc.

Click here to view my Utah Photo Album.  I've switched to as my photo sharing site since my picasa account is pretty much full (and I like the interface better). Make sure you're viewing them full size and I also suggest using the full-screen view mode (button at top right).


1 comment:

Jasmine L said...

Wow yuri...what kind of camera do you have? My little one JUST stopped working and I want to upgrade to a REAL camera! I especially love your pic of the horse sadles. Thanks for sharing as always!

Where I've Been...